Seek to hear, not to be heard.

James 1:19 - Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.

One of the best things you and I could ever do to improve yourself is to talk less and ask more questions. 

I am not near as smart as what I think I am and the people around me are a lot more knowledgable than I think they are. They have gold inside of them that can only be mined out by asking questions.

Ask questions of your family:

How are you? What do you need? How can I do better for you? What are you learning?

Ask questions of your team:

Where are we weak? What are we doing well? What do you think? How can I serve you better?

Ask questions of others:

What would you do in this situation? What did you do when you were starting out? If you could go back in time what are three things you would tell yourself ?

To improve, we need to seek to hear from them and not to be heard.